So recently I decide to go back to school

To do my Certificate III in Retail, why the hell are you doing something so boring as retail I hear you ask
Well the ultimate goal is too work in a book store! How Awsome would that be.
But before I get to my end goal Im having to swap reading my sexy paranormal romance novels for Articles on Cultural Diversity in the Work Place, Writing reviews for writing essays, Fangirling for Studying
...which will defiantly suck! But hopefully I can get through it!
Now onto the Upcoming Surprise!

Ok so I notice I'm only 21 followers away from 100!
Which is pretty damn exciting!
When I first starting reviewing & blogging I was super pumped to have any followers at all & have anyone reading my crazy as reviews.
So as a thank you to all my awesome followers I've decided to have a Giveaway but not just any giveaway but the Biggest Giveaway I've ever had with multiple prizes from my favorite authors running over a few days but that's all I'm saying for now.
I'll let you knows more as I get closer to 100!
Hope You all Have a Great Weekend!
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